From theory to practice and back: the role of implementing agencies

Alongside development banks and agencies, implementing agencies have a role to play in turning into concrete results the objectives spelt out in a number of key strategies for peace, stability and security, which will drive the world’s response for the next decade.

Paris Peace Forum
5 min readOct 21, 2019


1.6 billion people live in situations of fragility. Half of people living in extreme poverty in the world also live in fragile states. Poverty and fragility are therefore intertwined, not to mention the growing impact of climate change in these vulnerable environments. More than ever, there is an urgency to adjust policy and operational responses to better address fragility and vulnerabilities, to build resilience with partner countries and local communities. Implementing agencies are expected to be increasingly present in these contexts, but what can they bring to the table?

Deploying key security-development strategies on the ground.

The ambition of France and the European Union is to deploy an effective response to security-development challenges. This priority is reflected in strategies and action…

